Monday, May 31, 2010

Microwave potato chips with carrots and onion dip

We wanted a quick and easy snack, and what’s better than potato chips? Regular potato chips that you buy are always too greasy and too salty, so we decided to make our own!


1 potato
Salt and pepper
Olive oil spray
1 container of plain Greek yogurt
~1/2 packet of Hidden Valley Garden Green Onion Dip Mix
Baby carrots

1. Slice about 1/3 of the (washed) potato as thin as you can.
2. Lay the potato slices in a single layer on a piece of parchment paper that has been spritzed with olive oil.
3. Spray the tops of the potato slices with olive oil and sprinkle with salt and pepper.
4. Place parchment paper with potatoes in microwave, but turn off the rotating function.
5. Microwave on high for about 4-5 minutes, until the chips are crispy and brown.  You may need to rearrange them halfway through for even cooking.
6. Repeat steps 1-5 with the rest of the potato.
7. To make the dip, mix about half the packet (do this slowly and taste until you feel like it’s the right amount) with the Greek yogurt. It is best to let it sit for a few minutes to develop the flavors.
8. Serve the chips with the baby carrots and the dip.

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